Eagleburra Blog Posts

Pygmy Goat Breed Associations in Australia
Pygmy Goats

Pygmy Goat Breed Associations in Australia

As Pygmy Goats gain popularity in Australia, navigating the various breed associations becomes essential for breeders and enthusiasts alike. These organizations play a vital role in shaping the future of the Pygmy Goat breed, particularly as Australian quarantine restrictions prevent the importation of live goats and the cost of importing …

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2 cute lambs

Lamb update

It’s been really chaotic around here lately, I even missed photographing Dolly and Molly lambing although they both lambed at the same time of the morning as the two Polly’s. Molly lambed first, another boy with the tiniest cream patch near his eye, so we have called him Pirate, and …

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Play Ball

Play Ball

This winter seems to have been particularly cold and windy, although we are still really short of our average rainfall. The old boys Zeke, Bolt and Freckles are all quite happy spending all day curled up in the house out of the cold, but Indi needs a ton more exercise …

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Mud Pup

Mud Pup

Indi is growing bigger every week and is my constant companion 24/7. He is taking his job of helping me heal very seriously. He loves water and keeping him out of it is proving difficult, especially if there is mud involved. The recent rain had filled up the empty bed …

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Indi Update

Indi Update

Little Indi has settled into the family really well. The three boys have accepted him into their pack, although Freckles would rather just ignore him, Bolt absolutely adores him and seems to have gained a whole new lease on life, which is amazing as he has really been showing his …

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Indiana Jones

Indiana Jones

The last year has been incredibly hard with losing my Dad, Trinity, Flame and Ryley all in short succession, along with dealing with Naji’s infection for so many months not knowing if I was going to lose him as well. This little guy has joined our family and has already …

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Naji update

Naji update

Naji is on his second lot of antibiotics after having the wound in his side flushed and cleaned in mid January, then it abscessed again two weeks later, mostly healed up before abscessing again. We are slowly getting some weight to come off him, but its hard work when he …

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A New Years Gift

A New Years Gift

The last three weeks have been an awful, emotional rollercoaster that words just can’t describe. My beautiful dad passed away early on boxing day morning and life will never be the same. I will be forever grateful that as sad as it was, we were able to spend one last …

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It has taken a really long time to be able to add this post. We lost Flame, and our lives will never be the same. I didn’t think it was possible to love a horse that wasn’t my own like I did this boy. He was Miss B’s heart horse, …

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Educating Ani

Now that her leg wound has healed up nicely, its time to get back to educating Ani. She is a lovely sweet mare with a lovely temperament mixed in with a fair bit of spunk, sass and spice! Mia on the other hand is too busy stuffing her face on …

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Shiloh jumping

Shiloh jumping

What a crazy world we live in. This blog was always intended to be a reminder of the good things in our lives that we are grateful for. We have had some incredibly challenging times with serious health issues and other challenges for many years even before we moved to …

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The new girl

The new girl

Introducing Ani, a sweet young anglo arab that Miss B will be starting under saddle this year and hopefully turn into a showjumper/eventer now that Flames injury is going to prevent him from jumping again. So far she is accepting her training really well and proving herself to be one …

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Christmas colour

Christmas colour

Celebrating Christmas this year seems a bit strange after the challenging year we have just all had worldwide. Despite that, we thought for Christmas Eve this year, we would do a little decorating and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us and Shiloh and …

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Miss B riding and jumping with Shiloh

February already

Not much has been happening around here since my last post, we’ve only been riding in the cool of the evening, Miss B and Flame have been working hard to make sure they are ready to start competing when competition season starts up again and Shiloh was recovering from another …

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Jackson and Tessa

Tessa and Jackson

The golden hour is the most beautiful time of day for horse portraits, especially when they have shiny summer coats 🙂 These two are an odd couple – Tessa would much prefer her own company to that of other horses (she is a princess with a princess attitude afterall), but …

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Mia in her new summer coat and fly vail

Summer wardrobe

Little Mia and Flame have just had their summer wardrobe updated with fly masks and flysheets in coordinating colours. Meanwhile, Tess, who despite being a princess does not appreciate being rugged, even in the middle of winter, is more than happy to be piggy out on all the spring grass …

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Miss B riding and jumping with Shiloh

Shiloh Jumping

Miss B and Shiloh are starting to get some nice height in their jumping 🙂 He still just lifts his legs and seems to barely put any effort in at all so its going to be interesting to see what height he needs to start putting in some effort.

Fluff be gone

Fluff be gone

There is nothing worse than a thick winter coat when your horse is in full work so Miss B clipped Shiloh today. She’s getting really good at this clipping gig and does a MUCH better job than I ever could! I was just a little bit concert that someone was …

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Mia the teddy bear

Mia the teddy bear

Little Mia is sporting a very thick winter coat this year and is looking more like a teddy bear than a pony. Miss B did some groundwork and liberty training this evening while Flame looked on very unimpressed that he wasn’t the centre of attention 🙂



Shiloh is coming back into work nicely after having short break recovering from a minor injury. We can’t wait for him to mature a bit more mentally so that he hopefully stops being a silly baby brained thoroughbred who is constantly hurting himself.

Goodbye Wilson

Goodbye Wilson

It’s taken a lot of soul searching and deliberation, but Miss B has finally decided to find a new home for Wilson. Her medical issues and lack of time/finances have made keeping three thoroughbreds in full work very difficult, so she has made the very adult decision to find him …

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Reach for the stars

Reach for the stars

This pair have been working so hard with their coaches to improve all aspects of their riding and it’s finally all coming together. Really looking forward to the competition season this year to see how they go. While Flame is busy working hard, Tessa, Jackson and Wilson are hanging around …

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Flaming Sunset

The sunset light was so beautiful that we had an impromptu photo shoot with Flame this evening. Miss B dosn’t want me to include her photos in this post, so I will just share a few of Flame 🙂 There is something very special about this beautiful, challenging, character fill, …

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Winter weather

Late winter storm

Impressive cloud structure today with the late winter storm we had. Definitely appreciate every drop of rain that is going into our water tanks and watering our paddocks. Today’s was one of those eerie storms where it got incredibly dark and we had some weird Mammatus cloud formations all around …

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Jackson and Wilson

Naked Ponies

It was a glorious sunny day today so Wilson and Jackson had a much needed naked day in the sun. Clipping horses certainly makes it easier to keep them dry and comfortable in winter, but it also has its downside when its cold and wet for extended periods so they …

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Miss B with Wilson

Dancing with Wilson

The bond that these two have have developed is just so beautiful. They spent ages this afternoon playing at liberty, this is not something that they have trained and practiced before, it was simply a beautiful reflection of a relationship very few people will ever have with a horse. Definitely …

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Our Cows

End of an era

Today we said goodbye to Bangers, Matilda and Madonna. With this horrible drought lingering for what seems forever, lack of water and our paddocks being so bare that we are hand feeding everyone daily, there wasn’t much alternative. Holly’s calf Bangers has grown into an absolute monster (size wise anyway, …

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Princess Pony

Its been a long hot dry summer, the horses are all still fat and shiny, (well Tessa is always fat and shiny so nothing new there 🙂 but we are all over the heat, dust and flies and looking forward to season break.

Miss B riding Wilson

The Three Amigos

Miss B has been working hard with all three boys who all love sharing the attention. Flamey as always cannot bare not to be the centre of attention 🙂 Wilson’s jumping is coming together so well, Miss B is doing a brilliant job with him, he’s calm with his jumps …

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Flame and Shiloh playing games


This great big red boofhead is such a clown, he’s the source of much entertainment on the farm. For the humans at least, the other horses very grudgingly get drawn into his games, at times I swear you can see them rolling their eyes at him in exasperation. Today Flame’s …

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First jumps

First jumps

Miss B and Flame have been getting to know each other the last couple of weeks and have started their jumping training. It has been great to see the improvement in both of them already. Starting to see some nice muscle development as well which is good 🙂 It is …

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The training begins

The training begins

Miss B has jumped straight into training Flame and I have to say I am pretty impressed with his for their first ride at home. It’s going to be interesting to see how much he develops physically with correct work, both Flame and Harry-Who (needs-a-better-name) look like typical thoroughbreds at …

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Miss B riding with Wilson

Wilson in Winter

These two just get better and better. Wilson is working so beautifully and soft, he is completely relaxed and such a willing partner who tries his heart out, they just make an amazing team 🙂 We are looking forward to adding another Thoroughbred to the herd soon who Miss B …

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Miss B riding and jumping with Jackson

Flying High

It is so beautiful to watch Miss B enjoy what she loves and finally experience the benefits of all the hard work she has put in with her horses. They absolutely adore her and would do anything she asks of them 🙂

Miss B riding with Wilson and Zeke running along
Dogs | Horses

Summer Running

Sometimes flatwork just gets a bit boring and you have to go for a flat out gallop on your hot little ex-racehorse. Wilson had an absolute ball galloping up and down the paddock and Zeke thought running with them was the best thing ever 🙂


Pretty weeds

I love this time of year, despite the fact that they are weeds and show the paddocks are lacking in some nutrients, the undulating hills around us covered with yellow cape weed flowers are so pretty each year. And at least it doesn’t stink like canola 🙂

Miss B riding Jackson bareback

Pair of hoons

I’m not 100% sure I would be willing to gallop Jackson around bareback, especially in a big paddock with other loose horses. He doesn’t have much of a wither, so if he stops suddenly or swerves, I would go flying. Miss B doesn’t seem to care though 🙂

Miss B riding Jackson

Jumping again

The paddocks have been a bit slippery lately but have dried out just enough the last few days to be able to safely jump again. Miss P is lucky I enjoy watching them train because it has been absolutely freezing outside!

Trinity and Zeke

Trinity and Zeke

The recent weather we have had has sent the cape weed growth through the roof over the past couple of weeks. Luckily it is still really cold so snakes aren’t a problem, but we will definitely have to be careful once it starts to warm up. Trinity and Zeke enjoyed …

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Jackson and Wilson

Work and Play

Even after a heavy training week, Jackson is still more than up for playing with Wilson. Not sure if it was the smoke in the air from the bushfires or just the fact that these two like acting like two year olds 🙂

Miss B riding and jumping with Jackson

Going Higher

These two just keep getting better and better, initially going right back to basics to really cement Jackson’s training. I’m really looking forward to seeing how the pair of them do out competing this year. Sandy has also progressed really well, although still spooky at pretty much anything, she is …

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Dogs | Horses

The Babysitter

Mia has proven herself such a valuable little pony, she is the best babysitter for whoever needs company. Their paddock is eaten down now for summer fire protection so it is going to be interesting to see how their friendship changes when they go out in the top paddock with …

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Miss B riding with Jackson

First Rides

I must admit I was a little hesitant as he is such a big strong horse, but Miss B is showing herself more than capable of handling him very well. I can’t believe with all the colour combinations in horses, that she has has ended up with another one almost …

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Miss B with Jackson

Welcome Jackson

Well after what seemed forever looking for a suitable new showjumper for Miss B, this gorgeous Arabian Warmblood hunk has come for a trial from a friend to see how the two of them get along. It was a close contest between Jackson and a stunning young chestnut thoroughbred gelding …

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Hello Winter!

We have had enough rain this season so far to start the paddocks growing again after summer. Little Mia is certainly feeling the effects of the green grass, while Tessa just chilled out today while I gave her a massage. Raj pony is feeling his age with the cold so …

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Ryley and Zeke
Dogs | Horses

Canine Chasey

Our border collies are so smart, it is really entertaining to watch them play. They have their own ‘rules’ of their game of chasey that everyone must follow otherwise Zeke in particular becomes the border collie police 🙂 I love that while the dogs are zooming around like crazy, the …

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Miss B riding Sandy

Summer Holidays

After a busy year training and competing, Miss B and Sandy are taking a bit of a break from training and just chilling out together and having fun (and luckily not coming to grief with the others hooning around!). It’s interesting that both Jackson and Raj act just a little …

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Madonna calf
Cows | Sheep

New baby

We welcomed a new baby this week, Matilda produced a gorgeous little heifer calf who we have named Madonna. Matilda is not so keen on the whole hand milking thing, but I think eventually will adjust to the idea as long as there is a tasty bucket of feed in …

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Miss B riding Sandy

Hello winter

This year is going past in a blur. G’s surgery was thankfully successful, his recovery slow and will be ongoing for a long while yet. But we are getting back to some kind of normal and its good to be able to start enjoying the farm again, especially now that …

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Madonna Calf

Goodbye cows

With G’s impending surgery and recovery meaning an extended time in Perth, I have had to say goodbye to most of our cows. We are keeping Matilda and Bangers for the time being, but Charlotte, T-Bone, Sausage, Sassy and Stroganoff have all gone. There is not much feed on the …

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Holly and Sausage

Sad update

To put it bluntly, last month was a nightmare. G has been in and out of hospital and was so ill the local hospitals had to fly him to Perth by RFDS. Bolt ripped his stomach open and needed major surgery, I had a massive sinus infection that knocked me …

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Little miss Mia

A new addition

This lovely little mare joined the family back in August. Her name is Mia, she’s apparently an arab pony (although I suspect something else maybe Welsh as well). Mia is a completely unhandled and very, very flighty nearly 4 year old 13.3h mare, although at some point in time, she …

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Sunset horse ride

Hello Autumn

We have had a little bit of rain that has started the pasture germinating, but everything is looking pretty miserable and bare. The horses were feeling a bit fresh with the cooler temperature this morning and had a good hoon around their paddock. Mr B has got a little bit …

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Cows | Horses

Summer Pasture

I’m pretty happy with how the pasture has held up this summer, even with Holly and Bangers sharing it with the horses. Still hand feeding, but not as much as we have had to in previous years which has been good. Everyone is looking fat, happy and healthy…particularly Tessa who …

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Cows | Farming | Horses | Self Sufficiency | Vegetable Garden | Weather

Jersey Journal: traumatic second week Pt2.

When the vets left last night, Holly’s teat canal was able to be opened and was functional when open (well functional in that there were now two holes instead of one which will most likely be permanent).  Talk about dedicated individuals – they were here for nearly two hours and …

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The Dexters: Matilda, Charlotte and T-Bone
Cows | Horses

Moo are you?

I love the curiosity of the other residents whenever we bring a new addition onto the farm.  The dexters, particularly T-Bone were not particularly impressed about not being able to get through the gate to meet the newcomers. I separated Bangers and our still un-named jersey for the night so …

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General | Self Sufficiency | Water | Weather

April 2012 | Some rain would be nice….

While much of Australia over the Summer and early Autumn periods have been getting quite a bit, or even excessive rain, much of the South West of Western Australia has been getting very little.  Our own location here at Eagleburra has only had 29.1mm with the biggest fall on a …

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Puppy update

Puppy update

The puppies have settled in really well and have been accepted by all the older dogs.  They already show natural instinct and incredible intelligence and are likely to give every one of the adult border collies a good run for their money once they grow up!

Borderline Crazy

Borderline Crazy

Or bordering on insane, take your pick, either probably fits! After struggling for two years to get Trinity to work for me (when she is most definitely G’s dog) and because it was the right time for B2 to get his own dog, we have added not one, but two …

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Training Cows

Training Cows

Charlotte is definitely in calf and we are now just waiting to see when she’ll freshen – officially it could be any time between September and November, but with the way she’s looking, I think she may explode if she is still pregnant at the end of September.  Her udder …

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Winter Bonfire

Winter Bonfire

We have a few large piles of wood that are taking up pature space and breeding snakes, foxes and termites (making it no good for firewood either), so now that the fireban has been lifted and its wet enough not to be a risk for everything catching fire, its time …

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After a lot of research, I have settled on Indian Game bantams for breeding our table chickens, they lay quite well (or at least a lot more than their large IG or Cornish do) and improve the meat of any other breed they are crossed with. The cockerels mature early …

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Sunny Spring days

Sunny Spring days

The weather recently has been perfect, the only thing that would be better would have been more rain through winter. The low rainfall has definitely limited pasture growth compared to what we were expecting this season. The ponies are looking happy, healthy and shiny and new boy Raj has settled …

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Pony Update

Pony Update

A new pony named Raj has joined the family, he will be a much more suitable mount for B1 than Tazzy. He’s a gorgeous chestnut 12.2h welsh with a ton of experience with showjumping, eventing and games.

Raising chicks and garden update
Chickens | General | Self Sufficiency | Vegetable Garden

Raising chicks and garden update

We’ve added some gorgeous little chicks to our menagerie, they still require heat so will be in brooder boxes until they are quite a bit older. We’ve increased the height of the chook pen fence to help protect them from foxes and have let the garden beds grow a green …

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Lamb Update
Farming | Sheep

Lamb Update

The lambs who are all growing big and strong. Thankfully we havn’t lost any to foxes as the dorpers are very protective of their babies. We are keeping them in the top paddock for the time being and still hand feeding them as the pasture hasn’t grown enough to sustain …

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Bolt and Zeke playing in the kiddy pool

Goodbye 2009!

After an incredibly stressful and challenging year, it has been amazing to finish the year off by having a lifelong dream of living on a farm. I think leaving the city was the best decision we have ever made. Pretty sure the dogs also agree 🙂

Horses in the summer heat

Summer Heat

Summer hit with a vengeance today, 38 degrees! But at least it is a dry heat rather than the sticky humid heat that Perth gets. Our split system air conditioners went in on Wednesday, just in time for the heat that is predicted over the next few days. Can’t complain …

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Border Collie Puppy - Bolt

Pups and Whistles

Zeke and Bolt are getting very brave and adventurous now, and both take pleasure in being very cheeky! We’ve introduced them to raw meaty bones which they attack like little wolves, and they thoroughly enjoy the raw mince mixed with their puppy kibble. The chest freezer arrived Wednesday (complete with …

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Chickens on the farm

New Chickens

The chickens have settled in really well since the move, but haven’t started laying again and we are all missing fresh free range eggs.  I really didn’t want to go down the baby chicken route again (seeing as our success ratio of pullets to roosters is far less than 50%!) …

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