If we want to have any chance of providing all the vegetables for our family, expanding the vegetable garden is essential. I also found that the original bed that we made last year was too wide for me to access comfortably, so we pulled that down to make it narrower. All of the corrugated sheeting for the edges of the raised beds has been recycled. Having the beds higher so that I don’t have to kneel down to weed (particularly as I get older with my bad knee) but unfortunately all of the soild needs to be wheelbarrowed in by hand, so low vegie beds it is! I’ve also transplanted the strawberries from this bed into their own bed at the back, but that two is much too wide to be easy to use, so possibly next winter I will break that down and make it narrower but longer so it’s easy to reach the fruit and to weed from both sides.
The plan is to build two more beds and see how that goes, there will be room for one more full width one and a half width one against the fenceline.

Very crappy photos from my iphone showing the two new vegie beds, the thick layer of cardboard put over the existing soil, and the soil, manure and mulch added afterwards.