Although it seems like forever before we will have our first kids on the ground, the months really are flying by this year, hard to believe that its nearly spring already!
Our stud muffin Presley has just had his first birthday and we couldn’t be happier with the way he is maturing. After completing the NPGAA Judges Training course with US Judge Trainer Carol Hepner and Judge and breeder Kelly Culp and gaining my Pygmy Goat Judges Licence recently, I know for certain that we made the correct choice in purchasing this young buck as our foundation sire.

Presley’s overall appearance is exactly how I envision a Pygmy Goat should be, he is lovely and compact with the cobbiness, short, square set legs legs, well sprung ribs and the width and depth required in the Breed Standard.
He hasn’t grown a lot taller, but it’s been very interesting to watch both his muscle and coat development over the past few months. He is already a powerful looking young man and I can’t wait to see how he continues to develop over the net couple of years as he matures into adulthood.

Equally important, he has the most divine personality and temperament and remains friendly, affectionate and very easy to handle even when the girls are in season. Can’t wait to see him pass his stunning looks and beautiful nature on to his kids next year.

If you would like to follow Eagleburra Pygmy Goats on social media we can be found on the following:
Facebook: eagleburrapygmygoats
Instagram: eagleburra.pygmy.goats
Tik Tok: eagleburra.pygmy.goats