The girls are ready to pop!

The new merino cross sheep we got for training Indi last month have settled in well and are now gaining weight on all the green grass we have. Three of the Wiltipol ewes look ready to pop any day now, unfortunately not knowing when the white dorper ram got in with them at their previous home we have no way of knowing when they are actually due.

I’m still not 100% sure that Dolly is in lamb, so that is going to be a waiting game.

We are all very excited to finally be having lambs on the property again after so many years. It would be fantastic if all four were pregnant and had mostly girls so we could keep them all. Sadly there is not much use for male sheep, and we will obtain an unrelated white dorper ram later in the year, so any male lambs they do have will be wethered with the intention of heading to freezer camp when they are old enough. One of the sad realities of farming unfortunately.

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