Spring Vegetable Garden

All my hard work in the garden over the last few months is certainly paying off now – everything is growing well and I am starting to harvest some lettuce, snow peas, sugar snap peas, kale, silverbeet, potatoes and beetroot.  The first lot of tomatoes are in and growing well …

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The girls are looking good

Matilda and Charlotte are looking really good with all the luscious spring grass. Milking Charlotte is still a major issue, she is snotty and arrogant, will kick at me through the bars of the crush all while trying to swat me in the face with a poo covered tail. But …

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Our Firstborn Calf

After many weeks of looking like she was going to pop any moment, Charlotte finally had her calf this morning just after 10am.  She had a fairly quick and easy birth and we were lucky enough to be able to watch, photograph and video the whole birth which was pretty …

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Any day now…

Every morning I walk outside with anticipation that Charlotte has had her calf, but so far nothing. It is nice to see a bit more green poking up around the paddocks which will help her milk supply when she finally does calve.

Spring 2011

Spring is finally here, the days are warming and the vegie garden is progressing, although slowly as we are still having frosts every night.  In an attempt to get a headstart with some seedlings, I have started some seeds in a makeshift coldframe – white polystyrene vegie boxes covered with …

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Hatch Update

We ended up with 11 chicks hatched from the first lot and seven from the second lot and they are all now happily growing up in a re-furbished broody box.  From the second lot, none of the purchased Auracana eggs hatched, only one partially developed which was disappointing.  All of …

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New Dorper Sheep. And an Inky.

The property has seemed really empty since we sold our first lot of Dorper sheep at the end of last year due to the drought.  It was lucky that we did as we certainly would not have had enough feed for them and the horses through summer, especially as we …

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Hatch Day – Rhode Island Reds

Well today is hatch day here at Eagleburra…well technically 21 days was up at 7.30pm last night, but after a  power outage one night at the end of week one, plus the colder temperature only one chick (a Rhode Island Red) hatched yesterday at 4.30pm. After a very nerve wracking …

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More lambs

More photos of our dorper sheep, lambs and a Tawny Frogmouth we saw the other night.

Baby Baa and siblings

Once we splinted his leg, baby Baa pretty much never looked back. He received an antibiotic shot as a just in case measure and very quickly got the hang of walking on three legs.  It took a few adjustments but we managed to splint and bandage his leg from above …

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