After thinking about it for the past year, we decided that A is now old enough and mature enough to take on the responsibility of having her own puppy…we’ve contemplated different breeds and discarded them all because no other breeds can compare to Border Collies (LOL even Koolies which we did consider!)
After making the decision that the time (and breed) was right, it was only a matter of finding a litter from good working parents, and of course, being prepared to travel 3 or 4 hours to get one. But some things are just meant to be and we found exactly what were looking for right here in town! The only thing is that G fell in love with a Trini look-a-like and A picked a Taj look-a-like so we now have TWO little bundles of fluff:)
Double Trouble? Nah, just twice the fun! Introducing the two newest members of our family, Bolt (due to the white lightning bolt on his right shoulder) and Zeke.