June 2011 – Expanding the Vegetable Garden

If we want to have any chance of providing all the vegetables for our family, expanding the vegetable garden is essential.  I also found that the original bed that we made last year was too wide for me to access comfortably, so we pulled that down to make it narrower.  …

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Progress of the Vegie Garden

I’m actually having to trawl back through old photos to record the progress of the vegie garden. This was the garden area before we moved in back in 2009. Now with the chook pen fenced and gated and the first raised garden bed put in.  The bed was lined with cardboard …

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First Vegie Garden Harvest

Despite the heat and lack of water, my efforts in the vegie garden have paid off with a fantastic first harvest of tomatoes and some interesting shaped carrots! The tomato plants are growing like triffids in the vegie garden.  Of course it would have been much greater if I had …

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Raising chicks and garden update

We’ve added some gorgeous little chicks to our menagerie, they still require heat so will be in brooder boxes until they are quite a bit older. We’ve increased the height of the chook pen fence to help protect them from foxes and have let the garden beds grow a green …

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