75% Pygmy Goat doe

New Pygmy Goat does added to our herd

The one thing about farming is that fencing is never, ever done. Especially when you keep adding new animals 🙂 We have had some time to work with the existing facilities and the new ones we have built specifically for the Pygmy Goats and figure out what works well – …

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Slender Tree Frog

This gorgeous golden Slender tree Frog was hanging out in my vegie garden in the big wicking bed. I’ve never seen a grog this golden colour before, and I am assuming its a Slender Tree Frog as it looks like one, but was actually a lot bigger than the 4.7cm …

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Spring is in the air

Spring is in the air – and so are the bees! My lavender plants are covered in bees at the moment, so a perfect opportunity to test out my new macro lens!


Starting to harvest vegies from the garden quite regularly now. I’m going to miss everything that the garden is producing once we head into the summer months and I have to cut back on my water useage in the garden.

Spring Garden

The vegie are growing gangbusters at the moment, the wicking bed has turned out to be a really good decision. I have brocoli and cauli growing for the first time, including the really unusual Romanesco variety that kind of reminds me of a cone shell with the way it grows.

Jersey Journal: traumatic second week Pt2.

When the vets left last night, Holly’s teat canal was able to be opened and was functional when open (well functional in that there were now two holes instead of one which will most likely be permanent).  Talk about dedicated individuals – they were here for nearly two hours and …

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November Vegie Harvest

Success in the garden!  It has been a strange season so far, but none the less I have been able to harvest a bit from the garden – kale, beetroot, potatoes, lettuce snow peas, sugar snap peas and a few strawberries!

Spring Vegetable Garden

All my hard work in the garden over the last few months is certainly paying off now – everything is growing well and I am starting to harvest some lettuce, snow peas, sugar snap peas, kale, silverbeet, potatoes and beetroot.  The first lot of tomatoes are in and growing well …

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Vegie Garden Update

The growcover is doing a reasonable job of protecting the vegies, although there are a few holes being munched in the cauli’s and brocolli’s and the two carrots that survived the chook attack, are no longer.  The bitter disgusting kale is growing prolifically, lucky the chooks like it as none …

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Spring 2011

Spring is finally here, the days are warming and the vegie garden is progressing, although slowly as we are still having frosts every night.  In an attempt to get a headstart with some seedlings, I have started some seeds in a makeshift coldframe – white polystyrene vegie boxes covered with …

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