The driest summer we’ve ever had

This is turning out to be the longest, hottest, driest summer we have had since moving to Eagleburra in 2009. We havn’t had a drop of rain since the end of October, and after a well below average winter rainfall, everything is dried up and turning to dust. We’ve already had to bring in one truck load of water for the stock tank and will be up for at least one more if we don’t get some rain soon. As sad as it was, its lucky that we sold half the sheep and all of the ducks at the beginning of summer and of course without 17h Shiloh since Christmas, the water has lasted a little bit longer for the horses than it normally would.

The upside is that the pasture is holding its nutrition for the horses and sheep, we’ve had the horses on barley straw rolls for the first time, its been working well to keep them full of fibre, they are all holding their weight well and the remaining pasture is holding up really well considering how hot and dry it has been.

The pygmy goats are all doing well, the new girls have settled in well and adjusted to their new life at Eagleburra. They have actually been the easiest to look after of all the animals we have bought onto the farm, I guess after having horses, cows and sheep for so many years, none of it is new, its just a matter of learning what is specific to the pgymy goats.

We spend time with them every day (very easy to do as they are such happy, affectionate, entertaining little creatures) so they have all become very friendly and willingly eat out of our hands and come up to us for pats and scratches. We’ve finished the perimeter fencing of their paddock, but still need to finishing laying the fox netting skirt underground around the perimeter. Its taking so much longer than expected with this horrific heat making it impossible to work outside for long each day.

The kids love their supervised time out in their paddock and its a great excuse for us to sit outside with them every day 🙂 Once the fox skirt and electrics are installed, the next project will be shade sails and paddock shelters to hopefully prevent Wedgetail Eagles from trying to snatch them. They are safe during the day in the kid pen, but apparently they will be at risk of being taken by eagles until they are about 12 months old.

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