A sheepdog and his sheep

I continue to be amazed at the instinct that Indi shows for working sheep. He has now progressed to the point where I can send him down the paddock to gather the girls and bring them back up the hill to the cattle yard. This is actually no mean feat …

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Madonna calf

New baby

We welcomed a new baby this week, Matilda produced a gorgeous little heifer calf who we have named Madonna. Matilda is not so keen on the whole hand milking thing, but I think eventually will adjust to the idea as long as there is a tasty bucket of feed in …

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Cattle muster with Miss B and Sandy

Ride ’em Cowgirl

Miss B and Sandy had a ball checking on the sheep and cows today. The middle paddock is still doing ok pasture wise, still feeding out hay, but the creek and back paddocks are pretty bare and the creek level has dropped drastically exposing lots of stinky black mud. Matilda …

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Ryley border collie

Freckles and Ryley

Freckles and Ryley are growing up so fast, not quite fully grown yet, but they have almost lost their puppy look.  They have definitely hit that teenage boy stage but show flashes of the brilliant dogs they are growing into.  Freckles is the softer of the two, whereas Ryley is …

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Introducing Charlotte and Matilda

Today we fulfilled a very long term dream to have our own cows.  After a considerable amount of research, we decided the Dexter breed was most suited to our needs for both milk and meat.  Dexters are one of the smallest naturally occurring small breeds (as opposed to human directed …

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New Dorper Sheep. And an Inky.

The property has seemed really empty since we sold our first lot of Dorper sheep at the end of last year due to the drought.  It was lucky that we did as we certainly would not have had enough feed for them and the horses through summer, especially as we …

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More lambs

More photos of our dorper sheep, lambs and a Tawny Frogmouth we saw the other night.

Baby Baa and siblings

Once we splinted his leg, baby Baa pretty much never looked back. He received an antibiotic shot as a just in case measure and very quickly got the hang of walking on three legs.  It took a few adjustments but we managed to splint and bandage his leg from above …

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Lamb Update

The lambs who are all growing big and strong. Thankfully we havn’t lost any to foxes as the dorpers are very protective of their babies. We are keeping them in the top paddock for the time being and still hand feeding them as the pasture hasn’t grown enough to sustain …

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Baby Baa and his broken leg

Well I didn’t think it would be possible, but baby Baa not only survived, but he is thriving. Because it was so cold we are bringing him inside at night and putting him back with the others during the day. His mum is looking after him really well and apart …

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