Pygmy Goat Breed Associations in Australia

As Pygmy Goats gain popularity in Australia, navigating the various breed associations becomes essential for breeders and enthusiasts alike. These organizations play a vital role in shaping the future of the Pygmy Goat breed, particularly as Australian quarantine restrictions prevent the importation of live goats and the cost of importing …

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DNA genetics of Pygmy Goats courtesy Pixabay

Pygmy Goat Percentage in Australia Explained

A Unique Journey of Genetic Building One of the first things new enthusiasts to the Pygmy Goat breed will come across when they get involved with the breed is the Pygmy Goat genetic percentage on the animal’s registration certificate. Most people will naturally assume that any animal labelled a Pygmy …

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Introducing our first Pygmy Buck

After a massive week of fencing and shelter building in the heat and dust, we finally collected Eagleburra Pygmy Goat Stud’s first buck, the stunning Plumbago Presley (95.31%). At only 8 months of age, he is already a very impressive looking boy, and if he grows up to be anything …

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Pygmy Goat Show Western Australia

The First Pygmy Goat Show in Western Australia

There’s something magical about the early morning buzz of an agricultural show – especially after the early morning wake-up for a road trip to Perth when it involves Pygmy Goats! A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of attending the very first NPGAA Pygmy Goat show in Western Australia, …

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The driest summer we’ve ever had

This is turning out to be the longest, hottest, driest summer we have had since moving to Eagleburra in 2009. We havn’t had a drop of rain since the end of October, and after a well below average winter rainfall, everything is dried up and turning to dust. We’ve already …

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Pygmy Goats

Our little Pygmy Goat herd is growing

This weekend four more beautiful little doelings we have been waiting for have come home to Eagleburra. We are so lucky to be building our dream with the help of some amazing people in the Pygmy Goat world who have trusted us with their beautiful babies, allowing us to build …

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Dusty Rose and Drover settle in

Little Dusty Rose and Drover have settled into their new home here at Eagleburra like they have lived here all their lives. Both kids love attention and are so affectionate. Drover will climb into our laps for a cuddle and while Dusty is not so keen to be cuddled for …

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A dream come true – Pygmy Goats!

Many years ago before we bought Charlotte and Matilda (the Dexter cows I trained to hand milk before we got Holly the Jersey), I seriously considered getting a couple of milking goats as I have always loved these gorgeous creatures. Unfortunately G had heard way too many horror stories of …

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