Pygmy Goat Show Western Australia

The First Pygmy Goat Show in Western Australia

There’s something magical about the early morning buzz of an agricultural show – especially after the early morning wake-up for a road trip to Perth when it involves Pygmy Goats! A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of attending the very first NPGAA Pygmy Goat show in Western Australia, …

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More Southern Lights

We were blessed with another solar storm that created another Aurora Australis on 17th December. This time I had figured out my camera settings a bit better and managed to get some nice shots of the colour and beams, although it was nothing compared to the amount of colour and …

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Aurora Australis seen on our front porch south on our farm

Southern Lights from our front door

I have been lucky enough to see the Southern Lights (Aurora Australis) from our front verandah on several occasions, but have never had the chance to photograph it before. But on December 1st, the aurora was nothing short of spectacular, even to the naked eye we could see colour and …

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Tiny Bantam chicks studio photograph

Teeny Tiny Bantam Chicks

Lovely little Lola has gallantly sat on a huge clutch of eggs this spring and successfully hatched 13 gorgeous little pure bred Belgian d’Uccle chicks. They are so tiny, we have nick named them ‘popcorn chicken’ while the Australorp chicks are ‘Chicken Nuggets’. We snuck them into the studio today …

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Australorp chicks studio photograph

Adopted babies

Our lovely Rhode Island X Wyandotte girl Lola has done a great job of raising eleven purebred Australorp chicks. They are so cute, I had to take them to the studio for some photos before they got any bigger. None of these photos are composites, just single shots!

Close up of our sheep

A fun new toy

Up to now my widest lens has been a 24-70mm 2.8 that I use in studio, but there is a style of photography that I want to try that needs a really wide angle lens, so I have picked up the RF 14-35 to get me started. Coincidentally it will …

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Spring 2023

I love this time of year when everything is emerald green and the plants are bursting into flower. It continues to be very cold and not much rain other than that awful misty stuff that makes everything wet and uncomfortable but dosn’t do anything to fill the water tanks. On …

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Happy First Birthday Indiana Jones

I am thoroughly enjoying having my pet photography studio set-up and ready to use whenever I want. This is definitely the only type of ‘cake smash; session I will ever do (and with a special dog-safe cake). It’s hard to believe this beautiful boy is one year old already, he …

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A big change with a new toy

As much as I have loved my Canon 5DIV camera, it was well and truly time for an upgrade. I am definitely not an early adopter of new technology so going mirrorless has not really been on my radar until now, but it didn’t make sense to spend the $ …

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Spring Flowers

Its such a beautiful time of year on the farm, the grass is still growing and all the flowers are in full bloom 🙂 Here’s hoping the head holds off a bit longer so we can enjoy more spring this year. The opening of the studio has kept us very …

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