The new girl

Introducing Ani, a sweet young anglo arab that Miss B will be starting under saddle this year and hopefully turn into a showjumper/eventer now that Flames injury is going to prevent him from jumping again. So far she is accepting her training really well and proving herself to be one smart little cookie.

Flame is absolutely not impressed that he has to share Miss B’s attention with someone else. Most people think that horses are more than happy being paddock ornaments and not being ridden, and often that is the case. But poor Flame is the exception and absolutely hates not being the centre of Miss B’s attention. He is incredibly jealous of either of us giving the other horses any attention and is not shy in letting us all know that he is not amused with the situation.

He’s such an intelligent horse, even though he still gets a heap of fuss and attention every day its very clear he is missing being in work.

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