Our little Pygmy Goat herd is growing

This weekend four more beautiful little doelings we have been waiting for have come home to Eagleburra.

We are so lucky to be building our dream with the help of some amazing people in the Pygmy Goat world who have trusted us with their beautiful babies, allowing us to build our foundation herd for Eagleburra Miniature Goat Stud

Introducing Rhizanthella Phoenix P65.75, twins Fairytale Farm Beauty P58.59 and Fairytale Farm Belle P58.59 and last but not least, Fairytale Farm Gretel P42.97.

It’s been so hard watching these beautiful babies grow from a distance the last couple of months, but after a massive trek south, they are finally home and settling in with our first two babies Woodene Park Dusty Rose and Drover.

Big thanks go to Karen at Springfield Farm, Tegan at Rhizanthella, Cassandra at Fairytale Farm and Jodie and Woodene Park – we truly cannot thank you all enough for helping us get started on this wonderful journey with these beautiful Pygmy Goat babies.

We will be keeping all the kids in the night pen for a couple of weeks while they get used to us and settle into their new routine, then we will let them out into their big paddock once we have finished their playground and shelters.

Normally we would quarantine new arrivals, but have made the calculated risk to keep them together where they are 100% safe from predators – they have all come from reputable breeders and we have watched them grow for the past couple of months so we know they are healthy. After the fox trying to take a 20kg lamb during the day a few months back, and knowing they are small enough for eagles to take, keeping these babies safe until they are big enough to no longer be at risk is our biggest priority.

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