Dusty Rose and Drover settle in

Little Dusty Rose and Drover have settled into their new home here at Eagleburra like they have lived here all their lives. Both kids love attention and are so affectionate. Drover will climb into our laps for a cuddle and while Dusty is not so keen to be cuddled for more than about 5 seconds at a time, she will always come up to us and lie down with her body touching us.

They are the sweetest little creatures that are making us laugh every day at their funny antics. As soon as they hear the front door open they start calling out for us to spend time with them.

I’ve given them a choice of hammock style dog beds and fake turf covered plastic crates to sleep on, form the looks of their shed every morning they can’t decide which they prefer so play musical beds through the night. The fox lights do seem to be working at night (evidenced by the number of rabbit diggings that are popping up in the house paddock), but just to be safe we are locking them in their fox proof shed at night to keep them safe.

I know it’s only January, but summer already seems to be dragging on this year. We’ve had to order in a truckload of water for the stock tank, the earliest we have ever run out of water. Unfortunately, the poor rainfall over winter means that the house tank is also getting seriously low, so we are onto 2 minute showers and serious water saving wherever we can.

Fingers crossed we will get some decent summer rain over the next few weeks, although I am sure Dusty and Drover won’t approve!

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