Spring Flowers

Its such a beautiful time of year on the farm, the grass is still growing and all the flowers are in full bloom 🙂 Here’s hoping the head holds off a bit longer so we can enjoy more spring this year. The opening of the studio has kept us very …

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Farm Photography Studio

For decades I was a dedicated natural light photographer, always travelling to locations for photo sessions. But in 2017 I came across the work of photographers in multiple genres that were producing the most incredible artistic work both indoor and outdoor with studio lighting and my fascination with working with …

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Misty Winter Morning

As pretty as these misty mornings are despite the cold, we have been having far too many fine days and not enough rain this winter.

Mia Jumping and Ani Attitude

Miss B has done an amazing job educating Mia this year. The reactive, nervous spooky pony has turned into a soft, responsive, confident and very capable mount under Miss B’s expert guidance. Having Ani hooning around like a fruit loop didn’t even phase her in the slightest. Ani’s ridden career …

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Mud Pup

Indi is growing bigger every week and is my constant companion 24/7. He is taking his job of helping me heal very seriously. He loves water and keeping him out of it is proving difficult, especially if there is mud involved. The recent rain had filled up the empty bed …

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Indi Update

Little Indi has settled into the family really well. The three boys have accepted him into their pack, although Freckles would rather just ignore him, Bolt absolutely adores him and seems to have gained a whole new lease on life, which is amazing as he has really been showing his …

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Indiana Jones

The last year has been incredibly hard with losing my Dad, Trinity, Flame and Ryley all in short succession, along with dealing with Naji’s infection for so many months not knowing if I was going to lose him as well. This little guy has joined our family and has already …

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Naji update

Naji is on his second lot of antibiotics after having the wound in his side flushed and cleaned in mid January, then it abscessed again two weeks later, mostly healed up before abscessing again. We are slowly getting some weight to come off him, but its hard work when he …

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Baby jumps for Tessa and Ani

I’ve definitely got the jumping bug again, much to Tessa’s delight! She has a terrible jump on her, but her enthusiasm definitely makes up for it 🙂 Miss B has started Ani’s jumping training and is progressing well, and Shiloh is ticking along like Shiloh does.

Jumping Jackson

It’s not often I have photos taken of me, but I am so proud of finally being able to jump again after 30 odd years that I thought I would make and exception 🙂 Jackson is such a good boy, he is really looking after me and it was a …

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