Neighbours Sheep in the dry

Busy, Busy

Well here it is the day before Christmas Eve, this year has seemed to simultaneously stretch for eternity *and* move at warp speed…some days the contradiction really plays with your mind! I’m not sure if I can even remember what I wanted to write about since my last post… Settlement …

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Border Collie - Bolt

Growing puppies and summer colours

The puppies Bolt and Zeke are growing every week and our little pack of four are loving life on the farm. Its amazing how brown the pasture has got in just a few short weeks.

Horses in the summer heat

Summer Heat

Summer hit with a vengeance today, 38 degrees! But at least it is a dry heat rather than the sticky humid heat that Perth gets. Our split system air conditioners went in on Wednesday, just in time for the heat that is predicted over the next few days. Can’t complain …

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Border Collie Puppy - Bolt

Pups and Whistles

Zeke and Bolt are getting very brave and adventurous now, and both take pleasure in being very cheeky! We’ve introduced them to raw meaty bones which they attack like little wolves, and they thoroughly enjoy the raw mince mixed with their puppy kibble. The chest freezer arrived Wednesday (complete with …

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On the bank of the winter dam

The colours are changing

It’s interesting to see how quickly the colour around the farm is changing as the hotter weather comes in and everything starts to die off now that it is summer.

Puppy Border Collie - Zeke

Border Collies are very, very addictive!

After thinking about it for the past year, we decided that A is now old enough and mature enough to take on the responsibility of having her own puppy…we’ve contemplated different breeds and discarded them all because no other breeds can compare to Border Collies (LOL even Koolies which we …

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Our Horses

The horses of Eagleburra

All four equine members of the family have settled into life at Eagleburra really well.  B1 has had her first rides on Sandy who is turning into a very good lead line pony, I think they will be ready to start riding off the lead line after Christmas, as long …

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Talking about tractors

Bridgetown Show

With all the dramas this year, we weren’t up to taking the kids to the Royal or Kelmscott Shows, so thought a quiet little country show might be more our style this year 🙂 Kids got to see the baby farm animals (we all think alpacas and baby goats are …

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Chickens on the farm

New Chickens

The chickens have settled in really well since the move, but haven’t started laying again and we are all missing fresh free range eggs.  I really didn’t want to go down the baby chicken route again (seeing as our success ratio of pullets to roosters is far less than 50%!) …

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Visiting Sheep on our farm

Visiting Sheep

One of our neighbours bought over a few of his sheep to help eat our paddocks down to reduce the fire risk over summer. In this case, a “few” sheep is 650 merinos!