Out for a run with the dogs

Ready for season break

Its been super dry and dusty around here but a little bit of recent rain has started the pasture grasses germinating. Everyone is hanging out for continuing decent rain.

Storm clouds

Summer Storm and Puppy Update

A summer storm rolled in today, with lots of dark threatening clouds, thunder and a brief downpour to settle the dust.

Summer Sunset

The way the sunset colours and light changes by the minute is a photographers dream!

Our Border Collies on the Farm

Really seeing its summer now

The paddocks are looking very much worse for wear after being overstocked with the visiting sheep when we first moved in, keeping the property understocked is something that we will be very mindful of in the future. This summer is going to be quite expensive as we will have to …

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Zeke and Bitey playing in the winter dam

Puppies in the creek pond

The pond water is starting to get a bit smelly but it certainly doesn’t stop the dogs and pups from thoroughly enjoying swimming in it. The baths when they get back to the house…not so much!

Dorper sheep

Dorper Sheep and Sheepdogs

Today we collected our small flock of Dorper sheep including Rastus the ram 🙂 We chose Dorpers as they are self shearing, are excellent mothers, have a very lean meat (essential with G’s health) and require far less physical work compared to wool breeds like merino’s. Plus their little black …

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Blue Fairy Wren

Wildlife and animals

Even though the summer heat is starting to hit, there is still plenty of wildlife around. And of course, the puppies and horses are always up for attention and entertainment 🙂


Happy New Year its harvest time

While we have been taking it easy the last few days, our neighbours have been busy harvesting their crops.

Bolt and Zeke playing in the kiddy pool

Goodbye 2009!

After an incredibly stressful and challenging year, it has been amazing to finish the year off by having a lifelong dream of living on a farm. I think leaving the city was the best decision we have ever made. Pretty sure the dogs also agree 🙂

Trinity and B2 at the Beach

Farm Dogs at the Beach

We had to go over to Australind on Boxing Day, so decided to make it a nice family outing and take the kids and the dogs to the dog beach at Bunbury. Bolt slept the whole trip, while poor baby Zeke cried most of the way until he chucked up …

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