November Vegie Harvest

Success in the garden!  It has been a strange season so far, but none the less I have been able to harvest a bit from the garden – kale, beetroot, potatoes, lettuce snow peas, sugar snap peas and a few strawberries!


Managed to get a little bit of rain from the storm than went past today.

Spring Vegetable Garden

All my hard work in the garden over the last few months is certainly paying off now – everything is growing well and I am starting to harvest some lettuce, snow peas, sugar snap peas, kale, silverbeet, potatoes and beetroot.  The first lot of tomatoes are in and growing well …

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November 2011 – Storm Clouds

Today we had the most incredible storm pass over us, the clouds were forming so rapidly above us and were so dark that it looked like we were headed for a massive storm, but most of it moved east of us as usual.

The girls are looking good

Matilda and Charlotte are looking really good with all the luscious spring grass. Milking Charlotte is still a major issue, she is snotty and arrogant, will kick at me through the bars of the crush all while trying to swat me in the face with a poo covered tail. But …

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Puppy update

The puppies have settled in really well and have been accepted by all the older dogs.  They already show natural instinct and incredible intelligence and are likely to give every one of the adult border collies a good run for their money once they grow up!

The Meat Chick Experiment

We have raised several batches of chicks now, but so far have not got one to the table, mostly because by the time they got to table age they have either been hens (therefore kept for eggs) or bantam roosters (not worth plucking!). Although we do currently have a grow out pen …

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Sunrise, sunshine, horses and chickens

There is no better way to start the day than watching the sunrise at 5.51 in the morning! But it was certainly warmer later in the day!  We’ve got a lot more cape weed growing this year, as well as more clover, rye and barley grass.  In the second paddock …

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Vegie Garden Update

The growcover is doing a reasonable job of protecting the vegies, although there are a few holes being munched in the cauli’s and brocolli’s and the two carrots that survived the chook attack, are no longer.  The bitter disgusting kale is growing prolifically, lucky the chooks like it as none …

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Borderline Crazy

Or bordering on insane, take your pick, either probably fits! After struggling for two years to get Trinity to work for me (when she is most definitely G’s dog) and because it was the right time for B2 to get his own dog, we have added not one, but two …

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