Shiloh playing with his summer coat

Baby Thoroughbred Moments

Shiloh has a habit of grabbing his cotton like this and flapping it around…while it is hilarious to watch his antics, we are really hoping its a habit that he grows out of before he wrecks too many rugs!

Miss B riding and jumping with Wilson

Wilson and Flame Jump Training

Miss B and the boys are working on improving their shape over jumps at the moment, both Flame and Wilson try their hearts out for her. All of their hard work is definitely paying off 🙂

Horses taking it easy at the homestead

The reason we have no lawn

After all the years we have lived here, I have given up on the idea of having lawn off the verandah. All the animals think its their personal loungeroom 🙂

Miss B riding Wilson

The Three Amigos

Miss B has been working hard with all three boys who all love sharing the attention. Flamey as always cannot bare not to be the centre of attention 🙂 Wilson’s jumping is coming together so well, Miss B is doing a brilliant job with him, he’s calm with his jumps …

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Flame and Shiloh playing games


This great big red boofhead is such a clown, he’s the source of much entertainment on the farm. For the humans at least, the other horses very grudgingly get drawn into his games, at times I swear you can see them rolling their eyes at him in exasperation. Today Flame’s …

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Miss B riding Shiloh

Sandy, Flame and Shiloh

All the horses are looking amazing at the moment with their shiny summer coats. Shiloh and Flame are progressing really well with their flatwork training and even Sandy got a short workout today after a bit of a spell.

Miss B riding Shiloh on Australia Day with the Australian Flag

Australia Day 2018

Obviously, last year with Jackson started a bit of a trend, so this time it was Flame and Shiloh’s turn. As expected, Shiloh didn’t bat an eyelid, I have to admit I was just a little bit concerned about how Flamey would handle the flag, but he and Miss B …

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Shiloh on the run

Trinity and Shiloh

I feel like I blink and its summer again and I get ready to hibernate inside in the air con away from the heat. A couple of quick shots of Trinity and Shiloh before I do 🙂

How quick it turns

It never ceases to amaze me how quickly our beautiful lush green paddocks can turn from emerald green to golden brown once the rains stop in spring. We still have a tinge of green on the paddocks here and there, but it sure is fading fast. Obviously a double edged …

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Trinity Border Collie

Updated pup portraits

It has been a while since I’ve done some photos of all the dogs, so I thought it was about time I took some new ones.