Our Breeding Philosophy

At Eagleburra Pygmy Goat Stud, we are dedicated to the careful development and improvement of the Pygmy Goat breed in Australia.

Our breeding program is built on a foundation of quality genetics, sound structure and dedicated commitment to the breed’s future, ensuring that each generation of kids brings us closer to producing true to American type Pygmy Goats with exceptional conformation, health and temperament.

Our Approach to Breeding

We have carefully selected and invested in an a Purebred (95.31%) Pygmy Goat buck of excellent type and a foundation herd of structurally sound and correct does with diverse genetics.

Each of our does has been chosen for her type, strong conformation, lack of breed faults and personal attributes, ensuring that when paired with our Purebred buck, their offspring and each future generation will continue to concentrate the desired Pygmy Goat characteristics as defined in the US Pygmy Goat Breed Standard.

We recognize that breeding up Pygmy Goat genetics is a process that requires patience, careful selection and a deep understanding of correct Pygmy Goat conformation and type.

While our long-term goal is dedicated to producing true-to-type Pygmy Goats with the conformation outlined in the American NPGA breed standard, we are also mindful that this is a journey—one that we approach with excitement and dedication. 

We will always be grateful to the breeders who have paved the way and allowed us to start our journey with high quality breeding stock.

Commitment to Quality & Ethics

At Eagleburra, we believe that responsible and ethical breeding is essential for the future of the Pygmy Goat breed. Our breeding decisions are guided by:

Structural soundness & breed type – Ensuring our goats are built for longevity and good health.
Temperament & socialization – Raising friendly, well-adjusted goats for families, breeding programs and the show ring.
Health & welfare – Prioritizing the well-being of our goats through proper nutrition, health, husbandry and biosecurity practices.

Looking to the Future

We are excited about the future of the Pygmy Goat breed in Australia and are committed to working with like-minded breeders to strengthen and refine the breed. Through careful selection and ongoing evaluation, we strive to contribute positively to the breed’s development while maintaining transparency and integrity in everything we do.

Our journey is just beginning, but our dedication to breeding excellence, education and community remains at the heart of everything we do.