Jersey Journal: traumatic second week Pt2.

When the vets left last night, Holly’s teat canal was able to be opened and was functional when open (well functional in that there were now two holes instead of one which will most likely be permanent).  Talk about dedicated individuals – they were here for nearly two hours and …

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Jersey cow in portable wood crush

Jersey Journal: traumatic second week Pt1.

Holly is still painfully thin in my eyes, but we are following vet advice and she is getting all the nutrition and groceries that she needs. Our second week started off great with a gradual increase in milk production and a big increase in the cream line after I switched …

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Fresh Jersey Milk

Our jersey girl has settled in really well, is already gaining back some weight and is proving to be a real pleasure to work with.  When I I have gone out to milk her the past three mornings, she has already been up near the cattle yard where I lock …

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Going green on the farm

May 2012 | Finally Going Green

It seems to have been a long haul of dust and red dirt this summer, but we have finally had some rain over the last 10 days and the pasture is germinating everywhere.  Because it has not been too cold and we have also had some days of sun, the …

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We have Ducks!

Ducks are another addition that we have wanted to make to the farm for ages, but I have been unable to find any reasonably local until now.  I was extremely fortuante to get these five young adults, a pekin drake, three pekin hens and one khaki campbell duck. They are …

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Swamped in milk but no jersey for me

The lovely Josie has gone home today, but by the time she left she was rapidly drowning us in her yummy milk.  Because I am greedy and don’t want to share it with the dogs or chickens, I’m planning on making some clabber and using it as a cheese starter …

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Cowsitting and a Jersey of my own

I am babysitting my friends Jersey house cow for a week while she is interstate.  She is a lovely old girl (Josie the cow, not my friend;) with a dropped rumen, a broken tail, a blind quarter, an uneven udder, a dicky hip that makes her shuffle when she walks …

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Ryley with chook foot

Success and not so much Success with Meat Chicks

Even though I knew that is what they were bred to do, the meat chicks grew at an amazing rate that was only eclipsed by the amount of food they consumed and the amount of very stinky poop they created!  I definitely would not get more than 12 in the …

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Charlotte Dexter Cow

January 2012 – Giving up the House Cow

For the time being at least.  I have persevered for over four months training Charlotte the dexter to be a house cow, but it’s finally time to give it in and concede that she is just not cut out to be a house cow.  I have learnt so much from …

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Waste Not Want Not

We processed our first lot of chickens today, including the meat chickens and the large Australorp rooster. I spent a lot of time watching youtube videos to figure out how to pluck and clean them, luckily I was able to hand the dispatching duties off to G, not sure I …

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