Miss B riding with Wilson and Zeke running along

Summer Running

Sometimes flatwork just gets a bit boring and you have to go for a flat out gallop on your hot little ex-racehorse. Wilson had an absolute ball galloping up and down the paddock and Zeke thought running with them was the best thing ever 🙂


The end of spring

Spring has been wonderful this year, but the grass is starting to die off now and summer is just around the corner.


Pretty weeds

I love this time of year, despite the fact that they are weeds and show the paddocks are lacking in some nutrients, the undulating hills around us covered with yellow cape weed flowers are so pretty each year. And at least it doesn’t stink like canola 🙂

Trinity and Zeke

Trinity and Zeke

The recent weather we have had has sent the cape weed growth through the roof over the past couple of weeks. Luckily it is still really cold so snakes aren’t a problem, but we will definitely have to be careful once it starts to warm up. Trinity and Zeke enjoyed …

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The Babysitter

Mia has proven herself such a valuable little pony, she is the best babysitter for whoever needs company. Their paddock is eaten down now for summer fire protection so it is going to be interesting to see how their friendship changes when they go out in the top paddock with …

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Zeke has 2 balls

Swimming in the creek

We took the dogs down to the creek paddock to check on the cows today, Zeke and Bolt never cease to amaze me with the way they launch themselves off the bank into the water. Ryley and Freckles still have more fun chasing the others and Ryley really prefers to …

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Ryley and Zeke

Canine Chasey

Our border collies are so smart, it is really entertaining to watch them play. They have their own ‘rules’ of their game of chasey that everyone must follow otherwise Zeke in particular becomes the border collie police 🙂 I love that while the dogs are zooming around like crazy, the …

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We have a Shadow Cat

Misty mornings and a Shadow

Its getting quite chilly in the mornings now, with the first mist rolling in this morning. It never ceases to amaze me how the pasture growth, and even rainfall for that matter, varies from one part of the property to another as you can see in the photos behind the …

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Ryley border collie

Freckles and Ryley

Freckles and Ryley are growing up so fast, not quite fully grown yet, but they have almost lost their puppy look.  They have definitely hit that teenage boy stage but show flashes of the brilliant dogs they are growing into.  Freckles is the softer of the two, whereas Ryley is …

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Christmas Day in the country

Merry Christmas!  What better way to spend Christmas day in the country but with family and our furry friends?