Shiloh and Tessa

Boxing Day at Eagleburra

What a year this has been. I think I probably speak for the majority of the human population at the moment when I say, thank god 2020 is nearly over. After such a rough year, I am forever grateful that we live on this beautiful farm surrounded by our beautiful …

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Christmas colour

Celebrating Christmas this year seems a bit strange after the challenging year we have just all had worldwide. Despite that, we thought for Christmas Eve this year, we would do a little decorating and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us and Shiloh and …

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Starting to harvest vegies from the garden quite regularly now. I’m going to miss everything that the garden is producing once we head into the summer months and I have to cut back on my water useage in the garden.

Spring Garden

The vegie are growing gangbusters at the moment, the wicking bed has turned out to be a really good decision. I have brocoli and cauli growing for the first time, including the really unusual Romanesco variety that kind of reminds me of a cone shell with the way it grows.

Old Horse New tricks

Tessa has been in bootcamp since Christmas to help keep her weight down after she ballooned over the holidays after having a few weeks off. The boys were having a few days break, so Miss B decided to pop Tessa over a few jumps. Now Tessa is 18 years old, …

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Miss B riding and jumping with Shiloh

February already

Not much has been happening around here since my last post, we’ve only been riding in the cool of the evening, Miss B and Flame have been working hard to make sure they are ready to start competing when competition season starts up again and Shiloh was recovering from another …

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Lazy Summer Days

The ponies are slowly coming back into work after their short Christmas break. Well at least Shiloh and Flame are, Tessa, Jackson and Mia are enjoying a bit of a holiday.

Jackson and Tessa

Tessa and Jackson

The golden hour is the most beautiful time of day for horse portraits, especially when they have shiny summer coats 🙂 These two are an odd couple – Tessa would much prefer her own company to that of other horses (she is a princess with a princess attitude afterall), but …

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Miss B riding Flame

Glorious Golden Hour

When photographers talk about the best time of day for photographs, this right here is why we swoon over ‘golden hour’ the hour or so before sunset, when the sun is low on the horizon and bathes everything with a warm golden glow.

Miss B riding and jumping with Flame

Jumping the Flaming One

Miss B and Flame have developed a really beautiful partnership, he is a challenging horse with lots of quirks and issues that we need to deal with, but his larger than life personality and flamboyant character has made him a very important member of our family.