Baby Baa and siblings

Once we splinted his leg, baby Baa pretty much never looked back. He received an antibiotic shot as a just in case measure and very quickly got the hang of walking on three legs.  It took a few adjustments but we managed to splint and bandage his leg from above …

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Lamb Update

The lambs who are all growing big and strong. Thankfully we havn’t lost any to foxes as the dorpers are very protective of their babies. We are keeping them in the top paddock for the time being and still hand feeding them as the pasture hasn’t grown enough to sustain …

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Baby Baa and his broken leg

Well I didn’t think it would be possible, but baby Baa not only survived, but he is thriving. Because it was so cold we are bringing him inside at night and putting him back with the others during the day. His mum is looking after him really well and apart …

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Our First Dorper lamb

Woke up this morning to find our first little snowflake in the paddock, our first Dorper baby. Only problem is he has a broken front leg. Initially he was up and following his mum, but with very little weight bearing on that leg. Mum was hesitant to let him feed and …

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Lambs any day?

We are checking the sheep regularly because some of our ladies look like they are about to drop any day. I have our ‘lambing kit’ ready to go but hope they all deliver safely and we don’t have to intervene.

It’s a dogs life

It is really great to have a massive paddock for the dogs to run and play in. Thankfully they are all good with the sheep and horses, at least when there is a tennis ball being thrown for them 🙂

Sheep update

Our sheep are doing well, it looks like quite a few ewes are pregnant, but as the ram was running with them before we got them we really don’t know when they will be due. Zeke and Bolt have grown up so much, they no longer look like puppies which …

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The horses feeling fresh

The green grass and chilly air is making the horses feel a bit fresh lately. Tommy always cracks me up when he rolls, he sits up like a dog to change sides! Its really nice to see the paddocks getting greener every day. A bit more rain for the tanks …

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Our First Bonfire

Now that the summer fire ban has lifted and its wet and cold enough to light fires, we have started cleaning up all the branches and dead sticks around the property and made our first bonfire yesterday, much to the kids delight!

Dorper sheep on the green grass

Starting to turn green

After the dry summer heat and everything being coated in red dust for so long, it’s really nice to see our paddocks turning green once again. We will still be feeding out hay to the horses and sheep for quite a while, especially as it looks like some of the …

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