Hot summer days

We are well and truly into a second summer here on the farm, spending most of our days inside in the air con or down at the pool with friends. Not alot getting done around the farm at the moment with all chores being done in the cooler hours in …

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Its going to be a long hot summer

After having a low rainfall this winter, the paddocks have dried and browned off already, without much standing hay so it looks like it will be another summer of hand feeding every day.

Baby Chickens and the importance of healthy breeding stock

We ended up with 25 hatched chicks, the remaining seven chicks died in the shell without pipping (2 of which I believed died around day 16). Of the 25, one had *sort of* splayed legs – I’m not convinced they were splayed at least not like the photos I have …

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Hatching Chicks

The first chicks hatched in our new incubator (a hexagonal Janoel) over the weekend. We rather unexpectedly started with 36 eggs, pulled four duds out during the week, all of the rest looked great bar two that did not take up all the room in the shell (but we saw …

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Sunny Spring days

The weather recently has been perfect, the only thing that would be better would have been more rain through winter. The low rainfall has definitely limited pasture growth compared to what we were expecting this season. The ponies are looking happy, healthy and shiny and new boy Raj has settled …

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Pony Update

A new pony named Raj has joined the family, he will be a much more suitable mount for B1 than Tazzy. He’s a gorgeous chestnut 12.2h welsh with a ton of experience with showjumping, eventing and games.

How time flies…

Wow it has been a while since we have update with more than photos so better do a catch-up post. So what have we been doing? There is certainly always lots to be done in between the medical appointments and treatments.

Raising chicks and garden update

We’ve added some gorgeous little chicks to our menagerie, they still require heat so will be in brooder boxes until they are quite a bit older. We’ve increased the height of the chook pen fence to help protect them from foxes and have let the garden beds grow a green …

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Views around the farm and a new addition

It is lovely to see the farm greening up everywhere and the creek running again. The chickens free range everywhere and think they own the place. We have a new addition to the horse herd, a little black shetland mare named Sharni.

More lambs

More photos of our dorper sheep, lambs and a Tawny Frogmouth we saw the other night.