Raj Pony and Gandalf the cat

Raj Pony and Gandalf

Raj pony is a funny boy, he dosn’t particularly like the company of other equines and usually has a sour expression on his face when he is near them (and will show them his heels if they get to close to his personal space bubble). But he is quite chilled …

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A massive storm is brewing

Massive Thunderstorm

A massive thunderstorm developed around us yesterday, it was incredible watching the mammatus cloud form to the south east. We got a brief downpour, much to the horses disgust, but it wasn’t even enough to settle the dust.

There are storms nearby

Storms around us

A summer thunderstorm rolled around us today, a bit of rain would have made a nice change but it was like we had a bubble around us that it just floated over. Everything is so dry and brown, the horses are enjoying taking turns coming in to the house paddock …

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Lightning Storm

Massive Thunderstorm

We had a massive summer storm roll through last night that gave me the chance to practice my lightning photography. It is always stressful when there is no rain with the lightning though as the risk of fire from lightning strikes is so high.

Oct 2012 – Everyone loves spring on the farm

The pasture has grown in really nicely with a bit more rain than past years, the horses and cows are all shiny and fat, Bangers is growing like a weed and Holly continues to provide us with beautiful fresh milk every day.

Freedom at last

It was finally time to let Tessa out in the big paddock with the others today and boy did she enjoy the freedom to gallop around and strut her stuff!

July 2012 – Welcome Princess Tessa!

I have been blessed to add this beautiful mare to our herd. Tessa is 3/4 Arabian, 1/4 Thoroughbred and is a ten year ex-broodmare. My plan is to start her under saddle myself, although I have started a number of standardbreds now, and re-educated a few thoroughbreds, Tessa will be …

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June 2012 – First attempts at cheese making

With all the milk we now have from Holly each day, I thought I would have a crack at cheese making. My first attempts were cottage cheese and a couple of quick maturing hard farmhouse type cheeses. Time will tell how they taste!

Jersey Journal: My cow drinks her own milk

This week has been extremely busy, but thankfully uneventful.  I have continued to milk Holly twice per day and so far the iv canula has remained bandaged on her teat and continues to drain nicely when I milk the other three quarters.  Well it can actually drain all the time …

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Jersey Journal: traumatic second week Pt2.

When the vets left last night, Holly’s teat canal was able to be opened and was functional when open (well functional in that there were now two holes instead of one which will most likely be permanent).  Talk about dedicated individuals – they were here for nearly two hours and …

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