Miss B riding with Jackson

First Rides

I must admit I was a little hesitant as he is such a big strong horse, but Miss B is showing herself more than capable of handling him very well. I can’t believe with all the colour combinations in horses, that she has has ended up with another one almost …

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Miss B with Jackson

Welcome Jackson

Well after what seemed forever looking for a suitable new showjumper for Miss B, this gorgeous Arabian Warmblood hunk has come for a trial from a friend to see how the two of them get along. It was a close contest between Jackson and a stunning young chestnut thoroughbred gelding …

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Zeke has 2 balls

Swimming in the creek

We took the dogs down to the creek paddock to check on the cows today, Zeke and Bolt never cease to amaze me with the way they launch themselves off the bank into the water. Ryley and Freckles still have more fun chasing the others and Ryley really prefers to …

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Miss B riding and jumping with Sandy

Getting ready for Ag Shows

Miss B and Sandy have been busy training and getting ready for the local Agricultural shows coming up over the next few months. We have been looking for Miss B’s next horse for months, but so far haven’t found anything suitable for the competitive showjumper that Miss B wants. In …

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Spring is just around the corner!

Spring is my favourite time of year on the farm. The horses are enjoying the green grass, Tessa is in the Jenny Craig paddock to stop her getting too fat, the chickens have started laying after their winter holiday and the ducks are strutting around like they own the place …

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Miss B riding Sandy

Our Sandy Girl

I can’t help but admire the determination and commitment that Miss B has showed with educating Sandy, she’s certainly a challenging mare and I don’t think there are many people who could get her working so well.


Hello Winter!

We have had enough rain this season so far to start the paddocks growing again after summer. Little Mia is certainly feeling the effects of the green grass, while Tessa just chilled out today while I gave her a massage. Raj pony is feeling his age with the cold so …

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Ryley and Zeke

Canine Chasey

Our border collies are so smart, it is really entertaining to watch them play. They have their own ‘rules’ of their game of chasey that everyone must follow otherwise Zeke in particular becomes the border collie police 🙂 I love that while the dogs are zooming around like crazy, the …

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Stretch and kick out

A drop of rain

A bit of a storm and some summer rain came through today, settling the dusty paddocks and a nice break from the heat. The ponies certainly appreciated the cool change 🙂


Golden Summer Evenings

It has been too hot to ride much lately (plus we are still in go slow mode after the holidays), but Jackson and Tessa and Tommy were more than happy to come up and say hello this evening.