Trinity and Zeke

Trinity and Zeke

The recent weather we have had has sent the cape weed growth through the roof over the past couple of weeks. Luckily it is still really cold so snakes aren’t a problem, but we will definitely have to be careful once it starts to warm up. Trinity and Zeke enjoyed …

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Miss B riding Jackson

Going green early

It’s always such a relief to have our first rains of the season and start to see the pasture germinating and turning the paddocks green after months of dusty, dry brown. This year it is going green early compared to past years thanks to early rains. Let us hope it …

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Jackson and Wilson

Work and Play

Even after a heavy training week, Jackson is still more than up for playing with Wilson. Not sure if it was the smoke in the air from the bushfires or just the fact that these two like acting like two year olds 🙂

Miss B riding and jumping with Jackson

Going Higher

These two just keep getting better and better, initially going right back to basics to really cement Jackson’s training. I’m really looking forward to seeing how the pair of them do out competing this year. Sandy has also progressed really well, although still spooky at pretty much anything, she is …

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Miss B riding and jumping with Jackson

Getting their jump on

Miss B and Jackson have been working hard the past few weeks and it is showing how much they have improved as a team. Tessa and Wilson are always interested in what’s going on when Miss B is riding, I think they are both bored and would like to join …

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Miss B riding on Australia Day with Jackson whilst holding the Australian Flag

Happy Australia Day 2016

I have to admit that I was *really* concerned when Miss B told me her plan for the day. I mean, what could possibly go wrong with a slightly spooky horse and a great big Aussie flag? But after a little bit of desensitising Jackson to the loud brrrt brrrt …

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Ponies Playing

It’s been too hot to do any riding lately, but the ponies obviously needed to let of some steam.


Freedom at last

It was finally time to let Jackson out in the top paddock now that he is officially Miss B’s horse. I think it is pretty obvious how much he loved the idea 🙂


The Babysitter

Mia has proven herself such a valuable little pony, she is the best babysitter for whoever needs company. Their paddock is eaten down now for summer fire protection so it is going to be interesting to see how their friendship changes when they go out in the top paddock with …

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Miss B riding Jackson

Making Progress, Goodbye Spring

I’m really pleased with how these two have been progressing since we bought Jackson home. They are really starting to develop a good partnership. Miss B took him to the Dinninup Show at the beginning of the month, it was very early for their first outing, but it was great …

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