Miss B mustering our cattle

Mustering and Jumping

Today Jackson got to go back to his early years mustering cattle. Although nothing as exciting as mustering on a cattle station with helicopters, he did show his understanding of working cows and keeping them moving where they were supposed to go.

Miss B riding bareback with Wilson

A matter of trust

Miss B has worked so hard in and out of the saddle to educate Wilson and turn him into a horse that is safe to cater around on bareback. I just love this little boy, he has the sweetest kindest nature, the biggest heart and even when he is really …

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Miss B riding and jumping with Jackson

Flying High

It is so beautiful to watch Miss B enjoy what she loves and finally experience the benefits of all the hard work she has put in with her horses. They absolutely adore her and would do anything she asks of them 🙂

The jumps just get higher

And higher and higher and higher. Miss B, Jackson and Wilson are thoroughly enjoying themselves and after all their training and lessons they are all looking rather professional 🙂

Miss B riding with Wilson and Zeke running along

Summer Running

Sometimes flatwork just gets a bit boring and you have to go for a flat out gallop on your hot little ex-racehorse. Wilson had an absolute ball galloping up and down the paddock and Zeke thought running with them was the best thing ever 🙂


The end of spring

Spring has been wonderful this year, but the grass is starting to die off now and summer is just around the corner.

Mia running free

Everybody feeling fresh

Spring is such a beautiful time of year on the farm. It sounds cliqued, but all the birds are singing, we’ve had beautiful clear warm days and the horses are really enjoying the spring grass. Miss B and Wilson are progressing with their training all the time and he is …

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Pretty weeds

I love this time of year, despite the fact that they are weeds and show the paddocks are lacking in some nutrients, the undulating hills around us covered with yellow cape weed flowers are so pretty each year. And at least it doesn’t stink like canola 🙂

Miss B riding Jackson bareback

Pair of hoons

I’m not 100% sure I would be willing to gallop Jackson around bareback, especially in a big paddock with other loose horses. He doesn’t have much of a wither, so if he stops suddenly or swerves, I would go flying. Miss B doesn’t seem to care though 🙂

Miss B riding Jackson

Jumping again

The paddocks have been a bit slippery lately but have dried out just enough the last few days to be able to safely jump again. Miss P is lucky I enjoy watching them train because it has been absolutely freezing outside!