Rain on the farm

More rain

It certainly is nice looking out over the paddocks and seeing heavy rain clouds like these.

Jackson and Wilson

Naked Ponies

It was a glorious sunny day today so Wilson and Jackson had a much needed naked day in the sun. Clipping horses certainly makes it easier to keep them dry and comfortable in winter, but it also has its downside when its cold and wet for extended periods so they …

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Miss B with Wilson

Dancing with Wilson

The bond that these two have have developed is just so beautiful. They spent ages this afternoon playing at liberty, this is not something that they have trained and practiced before, it was simply a beautiful reflection of a relationship very few people will ever have with a horse. Definitely …

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Miss B riding Wilson

Midwinters eve ride

Actually, I don’t know if it’s midwinter or not, but it sounded good for a blog title 🙂 Just a quick flatwork session for Miss B and Wilson this evening before sunset, he was going beautiful and soft, and did everything she asked so no point making him work any …

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Our Cows

End of an era

Today we said goodbye to Bangers, Matilda and Madonna. With this horrible drought lingering for what seems forever, lack of water and our paddocks being so bare that we are hand feeding everyone daily, there wasn’t much alternative. Holly’s calf Bangers has grown into an absolute monster (size wise anyway, …

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Harrowing the paddocks with the 4x4

Harrowing the paddocks

It looks like season break is finally headed our way with enough time to harrow the paddocks. It means we lose the remaining standing hay, but also rakes up the horse poo, sticks and rocks to make it easier to pick up. Its a messy, dusty job, the car, house …

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Miss B riding Flame bareback

Really need some rain

It’s that time of year again when the water tanks are getting desperately low, dust covers everything inside the house and out, we’ve clamped down on water usage again (and hanging for long hot showers) and everyone keeps watching the forecast for the first sign of season break. In the …

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Raj Pony

No amount of time is ever enough

It doesn’t matter how much time you have with them as part of your family, it is never enough. The little red pony who started it all has been laid to rest and our hearts are broken. At nearly 30 years of age, he had lived a hard life, being …

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Miss B riding and jumping with Wilson

Flatwork and a few jumps

Only Flamey and Wilson got worked today because Shiloh is recovering from another minor injury for a few days. Baby thoroughbreds, who’d have them?


Princess Pony

Its been a long hot dry summer, the horses are all still fat and shiny, (well Tessa is always fat and shiny so nothing new there 🙂 but we are all over the heat, dust and flies and looking forward to season break.