Farm Photography Studio

For decades I was a dedicated natural light photographer, always travelling to locations for photo sessions. But in 2017 I came across the work of photographers in multiple genres that were producing the most incredible artistic work both indoor and outdoor with studio lighting and my fascination with working with …

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Lightning Storm

Summer Storm to finish the year

As much as I love a good storm, and this one was particularly spectacular, living in a rural area, I definitely prefer summer ones with plenty of rain!


Spring on the farm

It’s my favourite time of year again, the birds are singing, the bees are buzzing, the sun is shining, all the plants are in full bloom and the ponies are shedding their winter fluff to expose their shiny summer coats. We are truly blessed to be living the dream 🙂 …

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Summer Storm

We haven’t had many night time storms for me to practice my lightning photography, so it was great to finally get the chance to try a few different things and see what works.  I don’t have a wide angle landscape lens so there was a fair bit of luck in …

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Blackwood flooding in December

Fairly heavy rains upriver from us in the Blackwood Valley catchment area caused the Blackwood River to flood this year.  Although we did not get any rain here, both ends of our road were closed for a few days – something that we honestly did not expect to see again …

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November 2011 – Storm Clouds

Today we had the most incredible storm pass over us, the clouds were forming so rapidly above us and were so dark that it looked like we were headed for a massive storm, but most of it moved east of us as usual.

Sunrise, sunshine, horses and chickens

There is no better way to start the day than watching the sunrise at 5.51 in the morning! But it was certainly warmer later in the day!  We’ve got a lot more cape weed growing this year, as well as more clover, rye and barley grass.  In the second paddock …

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