Farm Photography Studio

For decades I was a dedicated natural light photographer, always travelling to locations for photo sessions. But in 2017 I came across the work of photographers in multiple genres that were producing the most incredible artistic work both indoor and outdoor with studio lighting and my fascination with working with …

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We have a Shadow Cat

Misty mornings and a Shadow

Its getting quite chilly in the mornings now, with the first mist rolling in this morning. It never ceases to amaze me how the pasture growth, and even rainfall for that matter, varies from one part of the property to another as you can see in the photos behind the …

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Raj Pony and Gandalf the cat

Raj Pony and Gandalf

Raj pony is a funny boy, he dosn’t particularly like the company of other equines and usually has a sour expression on his face when he is near them (and will show them his heels if they get to close to his personal space bubble). But he is quite chilled …

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